幼稚園的除了吃餅乾喝牛奶睡午覺,還有訓練小朋友上台發言,其中重頭戲就是「Show & Tell」,把平常生活有趣的東西,整理一下跟全班小朋友一同分享,內容包羅萬象從爸爸打媽媽到NDSL馬利歐都可以說,如果愛現一點的家長就會選比較有看頭的主題,譬如說「爸爸的保時捷休旅車」,「媽媽天天戴不同鑽戒」這種譁眾取寵的內容。(我好像在教壞小朋友??)


Hello everybody, today I will tell a story about My Dog, Pudding.
[應該是阿舅的狗吧? 何時變成你的]

Pudding is a very big dog, and the color is yellow~ just like pudding. So I call him Pudding.

I always give him a lot of snacks, that's why pudding grow up so big.

We take walk in the park, Pudding will follow my order and keep walking next to me.

After weekly exercise, I will help Pudding to take shower and have a sweet nap together.
[就跟著一起洗澡一次而已,你根本是自己在玩水.. 午睡你在床上布丁在狗籠啦!]

Pudding is not only my dog, he is my brother. I will love him forever!

The End!




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